Montag, 17. August 2015

City Lights, final days at the Village

final day at the Village
Hooray, it has been accomplished; another fantastic Nomadic Village on Hohe Wand. We are happy-sad-exhausted! Thanks for being there and see you all next year, somewhere on the road.
Our next stop with the Galeria Nowhere will be on 29th of August, Stallungen Schloß Esterhazy, Eisenstadt, 9-12 a.m.
Our journey will continue till end of September. We will show the Galeria Nowhere in Graz, Styria and at the legendary Schmiede in Hallein.

frau mag rosa pink and susza
the horvath gang
thanks to all the nice visitors
the captain being sad about the village being over
a memory from 2014

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